Kindness Goes A Long Way
by Barbara Lynn Terry
This only applies to those who can't read poetry
correctly, and miss the message completely.
I sit here and ponder again the fates that be,
Why are so many people mad at me?
I write my words of rhyme, or even no rhyme,
For the entertainment and education of others,
But from the comments I see they think I am a bother,
And not worth the effort of even a read.
But do I really want to succumb to their level?
Do I really want to let their fragile minds seethe
through my brain, and prevent me from having a good time?
I think it is wise of me to just say 'the hell with it',
And just go on writing anyway, because if others
don't like what I write, at least I know in my mind I have tried.
Then I can look back and read my own poems and stories,
Thinking just how much others are actually missing,
In the Words that I write for them.
If they give me a comment that is unkind, or attacks my
reason or person, then I see a very unhappy person who
needs a great big hug from my tender arms.
When we read the works of others, we should be respectful
In our comments, because we would want them to be kind to us.
Just remember that kindness and a nice smile go a very long way.
© 2008 by Barbara Lynn Terry
Barbara Lynn Terry