Rudy Hossam - Total Trust.....Lost

2014-11-08 1

This is the story of the total trust
You gave me and I lost
I was a bad thing
I never used to think

More than once I dropped
And you helped me on my feet up
And then again I didn't care
And walked in that very same dark track

You pushed me to show me the light
And that there is a better track
Straight, bright and no one can dropp in it

In front of you I walked in it
But still the dark was what I wished
You saw me walk to the light
You gave me your total trust

You never thought I'll go back to the dark
After I knew that there was light
But too bad I did
You somehow saw me in it
And all the trust you gave me I lost
Because you saw me dropp again
But it was a bigger drop

You told me help yourself out
This time I really regret
But you said to late
You've dropped
And only you can help yourself out

Because if I help you
You'll return back to it
That very dark scary track
And here I'm begging you
To help me out of it

And you'll see me in that light
Never wanting that dark life
Please help me out
And give me Ur forgiveness
After I take Allah's.

Rudy Hossam