2014-11-08 4

Melvin Banggollay

My poem may not be as good as Alison Cassidy
May not be as brilliant as the poem of Marvin Brato
May never have the romantic tales of Nightingale
The fragrance of the charm of Raquel Lammanero
and may never be as famous as that of Sulaiman Yusof
but definitely it has the passion of William Shakespear.

It may not be as poetic as that of Fulgencio Bearis
with the grandslam popularity of famous Emo Girl
and may never par the wisdom of Yanoos Peerbocus
and the kind and gentle passionof Semma chawdhurry
Yet I am proud to say, it has the love of Nikki Castro
and the loveliness of the toughts of Hazel Green Eyes.

It may never have the unique style of Ric Bastasa
nor even touch the romantic wit of Manonton Dalan
The rhyming words of the lovely Sparkle Shine
The thought provoking verses of Kandis Salazar
but I can never rest without the tongue of Kim Wilkins
and the tenderness of the words of Edgar Allan Poe.

I may never write as good as Ashraful Mussadeq
and may never have the delight of Rinzu Susan Rajan
and the wonderful touch of the late Mary Wismer
and have the guts of the pen of Meggie Gultiano
But my poems portrays the melody of Shannon Flanders
and the mysterious magic behind Jennie Ann Clark.

I can never write poem worthy like the famous poet
But I have my own way of displaying my own art
In a simple way that may never deserve a duet;
Many may find them not really amusing to impart
Yet I can say, they can remove boredom as you read
and if you enter in my fantasy world and take a part.