Debbie Bennett - God is my (Heavenly) Father

2014-11-08 52

God is my Father
This is real and true
I am starting to understand that
and he's reaching out for you

It's not by anything that we've done
God has always loved and he loves
so he sent His Son to die for each of us
and he came from up above

The reality is there is no perfect father
accept the one who came, and bled, and died
God would come to do this for us
and He did in Jesus Christ

It makes sense, that God would love me this way
since a father is one of the greatest needs
in the world today

A father's responsibility is
to love, protect and guide
and how we all need this
so deeply in our lives

Isn't it good to know that
God has not abandoned us
or left us all alone
but that He would come to us
and call us each his own

God has not rejected us
or left us to fend for ourselves
listen to the words of Jesus
above everybody else

' I have loved you with an everlasting Love, '

This is the message that we need
we are all longing for the Perfect Father
God came to meet that need

When you come to Jesus
and ask him into your life
you get connected to the Father
and He's found in Jesus Christ

Come to the Father! ! !

'But as many as received him, to them gave he power
to become sons of God, even to them that believe on
his name'.
John 1: 12 (Holy Bible-New Living Translation)

'...I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself'.
Jeremiah 31: 3(Holy Bible- New Living Translation)

Debbie Bennett