Looking around at earth's varisome face
We often feel lost in the masses of souls
Who surround us with life which appears wholely
To differ, from race to indifferent race,
All seeming seperate, by culture and faith.
Yet when music or laughter lightens the heart
A medium is found of which we are part,
And which nothing on earth can displace.
Through looking deeper at what can combine
To produce kindred sense amongst all,
We would do well simple facts to recall
And forego any thoughts of 'yours' or 'mine'
We all belong to what's called humankind.
We have in common red blood in our veins.
Birthed by earth's mothers with strong labour pains.
What closer kindred could ever we find?
Filled with the spirit of dynamic life
Earth's populace breathes the same vital air.
Together we grieve when life's no longer there.
The loss is communally felt after strife.
Yet so is rejoicing, which is re-gained
When laughter and music cut through our dark
Misunderstandings - then friendships will spark.
With spirits thus kindled love can be unchained.
Fay Slimm