Step lightly here;
Words below:
Adverbs too.
Be ginger with the Sentences;
Note: the Clauses have so much Ego.
Oh, let's not talk Punctuation,
the pickiness makes for unrelating.
I have had a personal thing about
the Pluperfect Tense,
before I learned to get it right-
I think.
Now, I do like the Action Verbs
they stand out.
But the Hyperbolic Adjectives are overused,
don't you think?
The pronouns are the worse.
Especially the 'I'
They even look like prison bars,
so limiting I think.
The 'G' is great.
Looks friendly; rather like it's waving.
Well, you get the idea.
Have to go you know
Here comes Mr. Period.
He is so rigid.
He thinks everything
begins and ends
with him.
Lonnie Hicks