Anand Dixit - Seven deadly sins

2014-11-08 14

Excessive love of others
Inordinate craving for
The pleasures of the body
Self control, the only redemption

Inordinate desire to consume
To the point of waste
Anything in excess
Temperance, the only redemption

Inordinate desire for wealth
Consumerist society helps
The Avarice, the Covetousness
Generosity, the only redemption

Avoidance of work
Shiftless and lazy
Sin of sadness n despair
Zeal, the only redemption

Inordinate feeling of anger
Vehement denial of the truth
Love of perverted justice
Kindness, the only redemption

Desire for other’s traits
Sorrow for another's good
Desire what other’s possess
Love, the only redemption

Desire to be important
Vanity and narcissism
Sin from which others arise
Humility, the only redemption

Anand Dixit

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