I'm in between,
bitter tasted;
overcome by my own nature,
but, unrepentant, I still am
by choice and circumstance.
I step upon my own fate
plunge holes in my own ship
live with storms and tumult
I alone create.
I'm in between
and bitter tasting
overcome by my own nature.
But unrepentant I still am
by choice and circumstance.
I've been wrong many times
and humble enough to know,
but alone,
I'm not strong enough
to reverse trend,
turn the bend
and came back again.
But, I
still want
to unlove you.
Twirl me round
one more time,
whatever comes by me
will surprise;
but, it will be mine.
I'm in between,
bitters tasting;
overcome by my own nature
but unrepentant I still am
by choice and circumstance.
My life complete
will state in the Book
of Summation:
Lived by Instinct
Died From Commitment:
The Pallbearers
Choice and Circumstance.
Lonnie Hicks