Do you feel the sweltering heat?
Emanating from my slow burning heart!
Do you hear that dernier cri?
Made by my moribund mind!
Yeah! You do! You feel them!
But I know why from my nigh
You slyly rear away in fear with a sigh
That your titillating fragrance can
Infuse new bounce and breathe in me
That one dropp of tear from your eyes
Can become my rejuvenating nectar!
That your spraying radiance for sure
Can rekindle the vital flame in me! !
You take a stance sans this kindness
Towards a man with dying senses! ! !
You renounced my covetous embrace
Punishing yourself with forced penance
And left me with total nothingness
For reasons so clearly ambiguous
And prefer to carry with you with vengeance
Your unsmiling stone heart in silence
And leave this corpse to its nemesis
To die another death in despondence
sathya narayana