I am not this…I am not this!
Screaming, he fell into the deep abyss,
Its silence cold, blankness dark and vast
Befitting place for incorrigible lunatics
Austere men in these voids get lost!
I am not this, I am not this!
He vied with ego, as he locked lips,
On her chaliced mouth, where elixir drips
Caressed satin skin, breathed her toxic smell
An ascetic failed there, as her golden cape fell!
I am not this, I am not this!
He asserted while basking in bliss,
Baited by desire to search the hollow
Begetting Omniscience with sinister thrill
Perceived metaphors of clandestine will!
I am not this, I am not this!
Avows the baffled soul of his,
Immortality sans body, yet mind in body lives
Like a stern naked saint, who did forsake lust
Yet a morsel food he eats, until death he must!
Seema Aarella