Green Peace - A Tribute To Mother Teresa

2014-11-08 8

A helping hand,
To the emancipated,
To the hated,
To the poor,
To the sick,
To the unfortunates,
To the downtrodden,
To the orphans,
To the widows,
To the disabled,
To the crumbled
To the oppressive and confounded.

The help you rendered,
The comfort and feelings you blended,
The sympathy for the destitute,
The care and concern to the wounded
as healing substitutes.
The honour, the love. the affection, the blessings
that were showered on you,
Are just too less in these words to describe you.
The unpretentious life you led,
The hapless and the hopeless with whom you dealt,
Honest, selfless service was your mission
A countless times I bow down before you, oh mother!

Green Peace