Fay Slimm - Eventide Waveplay.

2014-11-08 1

On empty beach, and listening,
I imagined wavelets playing.
Piggy-backing quietly,
Well-behaved but shouldering,
Tripping-up and frollicking,
Frothy-mouthed from gurgling
They rolled towards the shore.
Nothing stopped their pleasuring
In running back for more.

Lightening breezes in their hair
Releasing gentle wispy sprays
Collapsing in the evening air.
Escaping to their different ways
Percolating everywhere.
Soaking sand then rambling
Between unwary stones
Receding just as suddenly,
Sending crabs adash to homes.

A lonely dog ran scampering.
Began his splashing joyfully
Decided on collision-course, then
Ploughing inward found such force
He barkingly retracted,
Shaking off sea-weedy sand.
Sparklers all around, the hound
Backed off, as wavelets paddled
In for more such wave-play fun
Under evening's setting sun.

Fay Slimm
