ivor or ivor.e hogg - Different Dreams

2014-11-08 1

Do not judge me by your standards
Because they don’t apply to me
Your punishments and your rewards
Are of no consequence to me.

The principles which I live by.
Apply to me and me alone
I see no reason I should try
to change my ways; act differently

I do not seek the spotlights glare.
Fame is of no interest to me
I really do not think I’d care
to be some flash celebrity/

I am quite happy with my life
I do not need the extra stress,
the trials troubles and the strife
Which are the trappings of success.

Continue to pursue your dream
as you have every right to do
But things aren’t always what they seem
You’ll learn through time my words are true.

I find I am content to be
a simple ordinary man.
I jog along quite happily
and live the best way that I can.

I don’t judge you, so don’t judge me.
You have your life and I have mine
Can we agree to disagree
and part as friends amicably.


http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

ivor or ivor.e hogg


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