Its quiet now, after a long day at work
Phones finally hushed
Lights domino out
Black roads snake away
In a wide arc from the city
Bright lights glitter through the night
Cold comfort, from the daily grind!
The car’s subdued hum feels companionable
The absence of chatter, a relief
Allowing the mind to wander, in aimless circles of thought
People whizzing by, everything looks so …. everyday
Glad this road has many exits, to different destinations
If everyone wound up in the same place
The world would go mad!
Exits allow an escape to the beyond, something for everyone!
I look up to … black skies, hmmm might rain tonight
A distant lightning flash, races delightfully
In stark contrast to a plane, impatiently flashing lights
To reach firm ground, and disgorge people
Cooped up for hours in the other guys bad breath and nudgy elbows
I wonder if chickens feel like this too!
Finally I reach the exit I was cruising to
And ease into parking, relief washes over me!
As I leave the cocoon of my journey, turning off the car
My almost-ritual of light and sound; stillness shivers before I step out
Into a cold night, Honey I’m home, to an empty house I call
But glad some journeys,
Lead us to places we know.
Anita Atina