Jordan Legaspi - + Philippines

2014-11-08 23

This poem is dedicated to all the Filipinos all over the world


You are the pearl of the orient
paradise with a distinguish beauty
Your daughter gaily- they sing and dance
Your son valiantly- they plant the seed of love

Oh Philippines, my beloved Philippines
old days slowly no more
Your children to distant land they wonder and sigh
Leaving you unwanted- oh my mother land
Some stayed but dream of the west saying
'lash green and rich'
Others survive but looking to the east saying
'milk and honey is everywhere'
While few starts the day hoping for prosperity
as their sweat watered the land
Oh Philippines once your breast is full of milk
Like as nurturing mother
Were tame and wild seek refuge and find rest
Were our fate leads us to become one and united
To the orient seas- the different faces of Philippines
My beloved Philippines

Jordan Legaspi