Linda Winchell - 'Brown Paper Bag'

2014-11-08 17

Received a simple brown paper bag
in my mail box today.
And on the lable was a message
With these questioning words did say.

It read; 'What if everything that you own
fit inside this bag? '
It made me stop to reflect what was typed
on more then that plain white sticky tag.

It was a simple message in this materialistic world
It didn't need to be adorned,
with fanciness bling and pearls.
Reminding me of a simpler day
wondering when it was it all slipped away?

I have more then this small bag would ever hold
with family, friends and love.
Of all God's grace and His forgiveness
sent to me from up above.

More then just Brown paper bag,
was placed in my mail box today.
It helped me to remember just why
and what was more important
in a much, more, simpler kind of way.

Linda Winchell