Dee Daffodil - Madam...We Regret To Inform You...You're Shrinking!

2014-11-08 5

Well...aren't we all?

After all...
Those discs can't last forever!
So maybe I had hoped
That they would last me for a lifetime
But now I see..
That's not the case
And what will be...
Will be!

My shock absorbers...
Are shot
To Hell!

Those squishy little gel filled sacks
Are losing liquid...
OUCH! ! !

So here's the plan...
I DO...and DO...and DO some more...
Until I can't! !

I sit up straight...
I eat my veggies...
I exercise regularly...
I go to bed when I'm supposed to...
I play nicely with the other kids...
And if I'm lucky...
My back will last me...
Until I die!

And the down-side of that would be? ? ?
Screw the down side! !
I'm an optimist...not a fricken pessimist!

If I can't reach the door knob any more...
Could someone please...
Bring me a stool to stand on!

Dee Daffodil (HW) 5 September,2008

Dee Daffodil

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