Melanie Weeks - Rejection

2014-11-08 0

Here we go again..
Sweet Rejection
Followed by depression.
Had it time
And time again

Though it was right
Thought he was THE ONE
Thought it would be the end.
The end to all this pain.
The end
Thought he's be there
Just for me
Thought he'd be different,
Thought I could handle him
Evidently not.

It pains me to say
That he don't love me
But I love him so much

They say that I'm
Too young
To know what Love is.
They think
That just because
The age that I am
I don't know pain

But believe me,
I do
And at times,
It's unbearable.

I finally find my razor,
My promises all broken,
Glide it gently
Acroos my skin,
Watch the red peep out
And my pain reseeds.

Watch and hear
Their crys of sorrow and rage
In hearing what I've done.

Hear them fussing
As I tell them why.
Watch them
Go up to him,
Tell him the news.

Watch the way
He looks at me,
And I him.
Watch me smile sadly
I turn,
And walk away,
Still smileing
That pained smile

Melanie Weeks