Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. - Bravery Inspiring? !

2014-11-08 17

Shifting dust
Of subjective thoughts:
Irrationalities married
As rocklike realities!
Plunging depths seen
As skin deep profundities.
Nothing is descried as good,
Even love is not sole food.
No evil can be spotted
As murder is being plotted!
Nothing is declared true
Even - sky blue...
Ageless declarations
Shunned, outvoted
As trifling fabrications!

Calls of politicians
For bogus unity
Empty lips uttering
Sounds of improbity
Unity true as steel
Can never take place
When cutting dead
Unborn face...
Liberty is, in truth
Chimera, false case
When turning back
On Perfect Unifier
Permitting slaughter
Of His creation
Brought forth for
Destined elevation:
To unite with His Hands
Sacred demands...
Be sharers in His
Nature and divinity...
While lacking conformity
To His laws sublimity
Is leafless, bleak fatuity!
Contrary to reason task
Wearing fake - naive
Idealist mask!
Not a ghost of a chance
To achieve unity!

If one soul in Christendom
Suffers barbaric exile
How can you inspire? !

Green minds uttering
Sounds of unreality
Relativistic insanity!
So zip your lip...
(Wet behind your ears)
Breeding needless fears!

Fixated on people's rule
Mutilated democracies
Instead of turning to
Self-sacrificial loyalties
In invincible Grace deep set
Boundlessly vivified and fed...

Be unshifting
Valorous defenders
Of reigning Christendom
Against heathendom...
Ravening devildom...

Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.