Francis Duggan - You Are A Good Person

2014-11-08 18

Your better days in life in decades gone by
And though not very successful your best you did try
And that is all you can do and that is your best
At least you were willing when put to the test.

Only one born to lead the rest must follow on
And the past is behind you the past it has gone
The future ahead though to time you do bow
And you only can live in the here and the now.

The story of your life may never be told
Not everyone is born to win Olympic Gold
Only those who know of you your name may recall
But you are a good person and that counts after all.

You pay to others the respect they are due
And to your higher self you are one who is true
You are kind and caring and that's a good thing
And your praises I'll always feel happy to sing.

Francis Duggan