Debora Short - .*. Charleston Salt Flats

2014-11-08 0

Periwinkle dusk cradled in meringue-d moon -
Beams with tinged sun-drops each echoing its own

Crooning –love for day’s sweet end, far-flung skinny oaks
And ocher-ed waves of spindly marshes dance in the

Salty drink, architectural perspectives paint
The gentleness of each sentry’s uniform

Tenderly embracing reflection-ed wetness
Slowly emptying the tendril-ed ribbon-ed

Salty streams outward into the great Atlantic
Wilds, divided sepias outline the punctuat-

Ing dance with kisses of our entwined enchantment
Charleston salt flats welcoming lovers hungry souls

(Celebrating Thirty Years of Love,
Charleston, South Carolina, May 17,2008)

Debora Short