This dance holds an unseen Force...
This dance has held my eyes in wonder for hours...
Sweeping our Hormones with skills that soar...
Victoria is swaying, My Love is Happy...
Her smile is all Inviting...Oh! The flames burning within those iris-tic depths...
Different spirit forms displaying them skills on those drums of Joy...
Diverse creative energies replaying...
Our Minds are one in synergy...
Passion is good, sometimes crude...
This energy is like Hydrogen's food, sweets and dessert...
Umanangkwang is here all Polished..
He Presents himself to us in those stylish Italian Looks...
Well calculated dancesteps that keep our excited eyeballs in continous dilation...
Another Dance of Honour...
To all who Cherish The Dance of the Quail...
Cherish Our Passion...
Do Cherish My Love.
Anthony Edmond John