Mamta Agarwal - Poems and Poetry

2014-11-08 7

I sat staring
At my blank writing pad,
With pen in my hand.

It was a poetry workshop,
We were told
To try different structural forms:
Epigram, Sonnets, Limericks,
Lyrics, which could be set to music.

But I admit, I just
Can’t write on demand.
Is it a mental block
Which I can’t unlock?

It becomes difficult
For me to make a start.
As I just write from the heart.
But I don’t argue

These are Classical forms,
Which require skill
To write within the confines
Of prescribed norms:
Meter and syllable count.

It does lift
The work from plebian
And adds spunk
To stimulate readers mind,
As I find
When I read works of Shakespeare
And others of his kind.

Mamta Agarwal