RIC S. BASTASA - swimming with the dark queen

2014-11-08 4

how i wish to swim with the dark queen
how i like it that way
where i make the strokes, set aside the water with my hands
and travel a distance,
wading throughall the liquids wrapping my body
the coldness and warmth all mixed up
the rhythm of the body sipping through
losing itself to a certain depth and coming out again triumphantly
experiencing little deaths and surging up to life again
i may pretend that i drown and i may resurrect myself with that big lie
and tell myself there is more to life than death
there is more to the struggle than simply lose myself in the depths of defeats and some uncertainties

Swim! Swim! Swim! Plunge yourself into the wates of Life
That is what my father too used to tell me once when he was alive
and so cruel and strict and unfeeling

and then i met you dark queen writing everything about swimming
how i wish to swim back to life again

and what i like most about it is that it can be done without so much talking.

