Seema Chowdhury - In Faith's Gallery of Hope

2014-11-08 3

Leave your thoughts behind you
Say what you feel that is true
And know that words that're powerful and new
Gives you courage to show it too

For life has lots of ups and downs
Where we need to wear the crown
The crown and glory of a golden faith
In the gallery of life while passing through the gate

Through the gate of some painful drive
In each and every layer of your life
For life is a test that we have to take
Where with trust and faith we learn to bake

The bricks of life one by one with hope
And learn to stay away from the fire of mope
And once again when we learn to do all this
Then life will reveal its secret of bliss

And will teach us how to cross the gate
And walk in peace in the gallery of faith
Leaving behind the foot steps to be followed in pain
And swap bad luck with the joy of gain.

Seema Chowdhury