Kathleen West - #1 TRIBUTE TO MY FATHER

2014-11-08 18

Another year has come full circle
And memories old and new
Get me thinking of how truly blessed I am
To have a father as wonderful as you

As a child, I can always remember
Feeling so special, and loved by my Dad
And even then, knowing how lucky I was
Other kids didn't have all that I had

A man who put his family first
And when a problem came along
He reached out his hand to help
Or lent support when we needed to be strong

Though I admit he could be a pushover sometimes
When it came to giving me all that he could
If I wanted it enough, he'd give it to me
If it was possible, I knew that he would

It meant so much when you took time off work
Some horse shows of mine you came to see
And the pride in your face, lit up like a light
With a smile that was only for me

You've taught me all the things that matter in life
And I cherish each lesson I've learned
Just in time to raise my own family
To nurture with love and concern

Then I see you playing with my girls, Dad
And the wonder of it all is such
That yes, I realize how truly blessed I am
To have a father who loves me so much

Kathleen West


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