Pirate Love Magic Man - A True Story of Love

2014-11-08 13

Two years ago, I met a young girl who's mom was in and out of her life
Then her father and uncle died a few mounths apart, So her mom was
forced back into her life.They came to my hometown, to visit my cusin
for she and the young girl's mom was childhood friends.We met when
they all came to my place, me and the young girl fell in love.It was a doomed love for she was only 15 and I was 36. We was only together
a few mounths, then I got her pregnent.We got along at first then
we started fighting.we moved back to her hometown to be with her
family, while she was pregnent, and I got a job there.She had our child,
she was so very wonderful, and did a good job haveing our son.I owe
her tremendessly! I thought we might not fight any more.But we did
and things got out of hand.I took off with our son to my hometown,
she stayed with her grand parents.We talked every night, and agreed
to work things out.Her mom brought her back down to stay with me.
Then we got into a fight agian.The cops was called, they locked me up,
took her to the hospital.Even thow I did'nt hurt her.Then they called
her mom to come get her and our son.Her mom could'nt come get her,
so they placed her and our son in foster care.She did'nt act right in
the foster home, so they split her and our son up.Now shes in a group
home and our son is still in foster care.I hear she is going to be placed in an apartment in my hometown when she turns 18, in a mounth
from now. But I can't return to my hometown because social services
has brought up charges on me, for contributeing to a minnor, because
we had a court order to not talk to each other.But we wrote to each other any way.The leters where confenscated by her worker. Now I'm
loseing out on a love!

Pirate Love Magic Man
