First, I gave up asking, Why?
for I was never told the truth;
now I live in whylessness;
then I gave up asking, How?
for they said, best find out for yourself;
now I live in howlessness;
then I gave up asking, When?
for they said, who can be sure?
now I live in whenlessness;
then I gave up asking, Where?
for they said, where is it not?
now I live in wherelessness;
then I gave up asking, Who?
for they said, first know yourself;
now I live in wholessness;
and now I live without these questions,
the answers run toward me;
now I am more here and now, and
elsewhereness near gone;
for elsewhere’s here and now, I find;
and Other’s really One.
[leaning on Rumi]
Michael Shepherd