Mamta Agarwal - Reverence for Life

2014-11-08 6

60’s were a good time to grow
The pace of life was slow.

There were simple pleasures
And lots of leisure.

Cousins and friends
Loads of fun, camaraderie all weekends.

You could play in the parks
Without fear until dark.

You went home when you were called for dinner
And the whole family ate it together.

Young and old had company
There was respect and harmony.

School, cinema halls, in fact every place
Was just walking distance.

All day we played and ran
Who had heard of suntan then?

We knew our neighbours
And didn’t think twice before asking for a favour.

I think we were happy
And a lot less snappy.

We had simple desires
Hence nothing normally backfired.

Life was a blast
Alas, everything has changed too fast.

Now the stress begins at four
As a child prepares to step out of home secure.

Has the human brain
Been able to process so much change?

Most of all there was reverence for life
All the advancement has been at a price.

Mamta Agarwal

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