Bob Gotti - The Lord’s Supper

2014-11-08 51

Remembrance is reason one, we partake at the table of God’s Son,
The Supper of our Savior and Lord, an ordinance not to be ignored,
Remembering His body broke for all, to save man from Adam’s fall,
And His blood shed for all of us, who, in Christ would put their trust.

Reflection then, is the thing to do, for all He’s done for me and you,
Not only becoming our sacrifice, but, also granting to men New Life,
Reflecting on our need to grow, in accordance to the Truth we know,
As we consider all that we can be, in Christ, as we labor for Eternity.

Repentance then must have a part, as we truthfully survey our heart,
When we identify a wrong within, to make the effort to turn from sin,
And turn from those deceitful ways, which creep in from older days,
To live a life which is crucified, in Christ, who for all of us, had died.

Recommitment is then a final goal, as we seek to be spiritual whole,
To live our lives above old ways, living each day to lift Christ praise,
Recommitted to The Savior above, constrained to serve by His love,
Living life to the fullest for Him, Christ, who died to free us from sin.

All in remembrance of God’s Son, who came and died for everyone,
When we reflect on needed change, not wanting to remain the same,
Then with a really repentant heart, a course for change we can chart,
Ending with true recommitted lives, to honor and serve Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©08/2008)

Bob Gotti