Debora Short - ...Spinning Wind

2014-11-08 11

Oh whom do you spin for spinning wind
In that pearl-ied-violet sky, do

You spin in candid play amusing
Those finely- drawn lemon- lime leaves?

A lovely compliment sketched
Subtle lines and colored inks

Hand and eye carefully re-
Constructing their dichotomous

Grace, do you spin soft humid streams
Honeysuckle-d charisma

To delight and inebriate
Those newly emerged white pea

Petals or do you seek to bounce
At knee newly fledged fauna

In the sycamore trees, Oh whom
Do you spin for spinning wind do

You simply tango in rhythm
With heady-scented wild rose, un-

Tamed sister soul, delicious
Filled blossoms waving with good cheers

Oh whom do you spin for spinning wind?

(Cumberland Gap, June 7,2008)

Debora Short