Mamta Agarwal - Zenith of Absurdity

2014-11-08 2

Oh, how reposeful it is at dawn
Elated, I thought as I sat in my lawn.
Watching the Sun rising on the eastern horizon
And the blue canopy spangled pink and vermillion.

The crows and birds seemed to welcome
The daylight with a loud chorus
And orchestra. Dainty butterflies
With amazing patterns on their wings,

Gently alighted atop the upturned flowers.
It is the most magical and enchanting hour.
There was a gentle, caressing breeze,
Leaves were dancing on the trees.

I was reminded of Pippa’s song
All is well and nothing can go wrong.
But in my heart I knew better,
This feeling will last until I open the newspaper.

The universe works with such amazing synchronicity
Where human mind has reached the zenith of absurdity.

Mamta Agarwal