Francis Duggan - Soul Foods

2014-11-08 5

Humanity would be worse off without music, dance and song
And to the music people always sing and dance along
With art these natural gifts are the foods of the soul
Without such there would be more wars and a far greater death toll
Those who do not like any of the soul foods in life have lost their way
And though they may be seen as important people in the World of today
Their money could never replace what soul food to them would bring
'Tis hard for the person to laugh who does not dance or sing
What a huge difference in our lives food for the soul does make
Too often such beautiful and natural gifts for granted we do take
Though financially well off without soul foods you are in spiritual poverty
Without the soul foods in our lives how boring life would be
There must be a time for music a time to draw and a time to dance and sing
The soul foods of humanity are such a marvellous thing.

Francis Duggan

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