Epitamy of thought resurrected
Rebirthed with a promise corrected
Wise of misfortune, a clueless disguise
A power, a surge, on this day shall rise
Grand of stance, solid footed in step
Brave woman of heart, vulnerable she wept
Tears, precious tears, to empty lake did flow
Victim of love me not, a visible show
Luscious of face, embraced with resilience
A belief held in thrall, viewed merely “a brilliance”
Bethink not, that of Lover’s remorse
For as sure as I’m fated ‘pon this due course
Avenge me not of passion’s strangling grip
There is truth in love, writ that of famous script
Foolish it is, to know not of its presence
Or to savour ‘pon thee sweet, sour essence
Breathe deep of thy teachings, arms open wide
Absorb love’s bruising ‘pon delicate pride
Mercilessly wander one hundred nights
Abolish thine hearts, most miserable plights
Forget me not, mine first precious love
Blackest raven of heart, thine fantasy dove
Thou shall embrace, every ounce of love’s pain
Empty lake of shed tear, flows that of eyes rain
Copyright 2008 W. Bureau
Wendy Bureau