Angels Ink - Comfort's of Home

2014-11-08 3

As I curl up on my parents couch
And gaze around the room
I take in all the memories there
That have come and gone too soon
My mind wanders off with each item I see
Remembering my childhood past
The photo's of me as a little girl
Have come and gone so fast
The old fashioned cabnet with led light glass
Hold many a precious thing
The memories in the one locked door
To me a tear it brings
The clutter of books the photo's the doll's
All have a story to tell
I wouldn't change one single thing
Because this is where love dwells
The comfort of home is what I feel
Every time I walk through the door
It is not about having the flashest of things
For without Love a home is poor
As I snuggle down under my blanket
I realise why home is the best
I am not concerned with what you have
At Home I find
Love, Comfort and Rest.

Angels Ink