Dawn Slanker - America's Perspective

2014-11-08 5

Written in response to a lot of hate filled propaganda about America and Americans in general. I may not like what is happening, but I am proud to be an American and I'm tired of all the hate. I don't mean to offend anyone, this is just my feelings on the matter.

America's Perspective

United in freedom,
united in democracy,
united by generalizations,
and world wide hypocrisy.
I'm so tired of all of the names.
Foreign fingers point in my direction.
They act like they are innocent…
examples of idealized perfection.
The hate speech, irate speech,
that spew from their tongues…
they sneer and they jeer
for what my government has done.
I'm a War mongering powerhouse
bent on world domination.
other countries call me
a high class abomination.
It's all my fault.
I'm the one they all blame.
Demeaning my populace
with their with their hateful campaign.
I'm rich and I'm wicked.
I love only the gun.
I guess they've forgotten
all the good that I've done.
I'm the cause of their troubles.
I'm the reason there's doubt.
I wonder who they'll call
when their bottom drops out.
When their futures are threatened...
their lifestyles at stake,
who will they call...
what alliances they'll make?
I don't like this war.
I want it to end.
If you want to be helpful...
be more of a friend.
Stop pointing your fingers.
Stop wagging your tongues.
Lets' all work together
to get the job done.

©2008 Dawn Slanker

Dawn Slanker


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