I said goodbye today
To a person that meant so much
I wouldn't leave his grave,
It was surrounded by his touch.
It's as if he never really left,
His spirit is always there.
I just wish he knew
How much i really care.
I said goodbye today
to a person that meant so much
what i wouldn't do
to let him know how much
he changed the way i think,
and the things i take for granted
i'll never forget his smile
or his sweet laughter.
i just wish he knew
how much i really care.
I said goodbye today
to a person that meant so much.
Im sorry i never told him
all i wanted to say.
I know we; ll see eachother
one sweet day.
I said goodbye today
to a person that meant so much.
A golden heart stopped beating,
A priceless life laid to rest
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best.
Kasi Navadomskis