Jessica Elizondo - Lost Dreams

2014-11-08 3

i need a dream catcher to hold
my lost dreams that wont be told
two hands just can't fold
these lost visions from my soul.

once was beautiful,
now is lost.
I let them go and
and paid the cost.

gone on tha soft breez
only to be reborn
on the wings of bumble beez.
heaven keep them please.

Take them
and throw them away
I'm moving on
in a better way.

I'm following new dreams
ones I'm not letting go,
I'm not giving up.
so let the wind blow.

Lord, Give me strenght
And let my dreams come true.
When I'm struggling
Let me look up to you.

Made by me. And by ~Painted Warrior~ hope you like it.

Jessica Elizondo