confused soul - unreal

2014-11-08 3

upon the request of my mind
against that of my heart
lost in a world full of thought
saying what if? or why not?
does true love exist..
if one does not love the other?
or is felt but never said?
how do we know who is right for who?
who do we tell we love to?
from many experiences
this is what i've learned..
each risk you take is a risk for heartache
yet if you don't
it'll leave you thinking..
'what if? '
and then sometimes
you find the 'perfect' one
then all over again..
they're not the one
i've given every try
to every guy
risking heartache each time
i've waited patiently
been faithful and loving
was nothing but nice
yet still in the end..
my heart needs to mend
i've done it so much
i'm used to the process
and every single time
i'm hurt as much as the last
i feel so used
as if being watched and laughed at
im hurting
and no one knows
i want to vent
a friend to listen
but i can't seem to find that
i try to better myself
but it never seems to work
everyone taunts me of how i've gained
and i ask myself that too
sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy
then all of a sudden i'm normal again
my mind's a temple of unanswered questions
my ears hear all the lies
my body is used
my hands are all bruised
loves a figment of my imagination
and until i find it.
to me..
it's unreal

confused soul

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