We sat there yesterday, chatting.
Though we live under the same roof,
it's not something we often do.
You go your way and I go my own,
and so often I'm working,
it seems I'm never home.
And as we sat,
you brought up the war...
and I admit that I cannot share your fears for our country
when Isreal attacks Iran.
I think of the war and fear for my peers
which are still losing their lives.
A generation gap, maybe?
Obviously something more personal than a hatred for our president,
at least.
Then you mention our old friend,
and how they've called in the care of a hospice.
And I look into your eyes as they tear.
'Everyone goes, you know? ' I say.
'It just hurts so much more when you watch the strong ones.'
And both of us reaize, if only momentarily,
that maybe, we are on the same page.
Amanda Lukas