Mamta Agarwal - Communion With Flowers

2014-11-08 2

A bunch of fresh flowers,
Have the divine power
To lift your mood,
As only prayer could.

As you lie in silent despair
In pain, alone, unable to share,
Friends and relatives come
And ask you what you have done
To yourself, to lie prostrate
And try to commiserate.

You dare not take off your mask
And pretend you are fine when they ask,
For they get uneasy if you reveal
The pain is too much to bear and deal.
Hence I feel,
I can help myself heal,
If I talk to the sublime flowers
For they have the divine power.
And are silent witness in that hour
When I am feeling low and dour.

They don’t judge you in your weak moment,
When you spirit is in torment
Lord, you have endowed them with such virtues
That they come to our rescue
With their playful smile without any guile.

Mamta Agarwal