Compton Wright - Hurt My Soul! ! !

2014-11-08 3

Ohhhhh My Soul Hurts! ! ! ...
My soul feels so much pain
When people would threaten people for their money
Or when people would give up their culture to a more dominant culture.
When a proud black man gets threaten, beaten, arrested or even killed
by the police. Why? because he fits the criminal image.
it hurts my soul how families don't have fathers
their teachers won't teach their students
because of their color of their skin or when straight A students
dropouts because of the so called 'Cool' kids and it hurts my soul
but the most thing of all when people across the globe
becomes bitter and selfish
or when young kids has no futures because no one didn't make them a
path to start they become criminals or
known as the menace to society
or maybe just become bums on your corner begging for change
and it just brings so much pain to my soul
as this continues on i strive to become opposite of
what they are...An Dark Echo To The World

Compton Wright