You said you love me,
But how on earth can it be?
When you are not free,
As you are married, you see!
Maybe you are blinded by your feeling,
When you confessed that to me you are falling.
Have you thought about what you just said?
Did you not believe my love can not be paid?
I may look pretty to your eyes,
But please do not tell me lies!
About you truly in love with me,
For I know such can never be.
I know that your only desire is lust,
Most men feel such urge is a must.
When there appears a chance to say,
To a gal like me mistaken I want to play.
Sorry my dear for I can not afford,
To indulge In such act without accord.
I can not dare to say yes to your desire,
For me its kind of verboten that causes fire.
So for now let us just be friends,
And not go what others call trends.
Indulging in having extra-marital affair,
For in God's eyes its sin and never fair.
I tell you again my persistent suitor,
Please stop now and do not detour.
Love only your wife who loves you back,
And do not persist on me for its not tack.
Marvin Brato Sr