An Englishman born with the great gift of rhyme
He lived in the Yukon in his glorious prime
A master wordsmith of the twentieth century
He glorified Dan Mgrew and Sam Magee.
With words 'twould be fair to say he had a way
And in his stirring ballads he lives on today
The great Robert Service he knew of great fame
And in the Yukon his lives as a legendary name.
His ballads and poems to the masses are known
The great Robert Service was in a class of his own
He sang of life and death in the lands of the snow
And the rhymes from his pen in great torrents did flow.
He sang of the Yukon in the days of old
And of the desperate characters who moiled for gold
And of the barmaids and hookers of old Dawson Town
Where he penned his way into literary renown.
A poet at heart and that type are so rare
And few with Robert Service that one could compare
He penned stirring ballads of the Land of snow
And in death as in life his legend seem to grow.
Francis Duggan