Bashyam Narayanan - Let me realize I really love you

2014-11-08 3

I really do not know
Whether I love you
You did many things for me
For so many years now
And are still keen to do
I really do not know
Whether I love you

You came in my life
As my loving wife
But how soon you turned
Out to be my mother
Caring me as a
Mother to a child
I really do not know
Whether I love you

You carved your tastes
To suit mine
While my tastes
Remained in tact
You dressed to please me
You sported smiles
To declare your comfort
Even at my rash approaches
I really do not know
Whether I love you

You enjoyed my joys
You shared my cries
You bore my kids
And helped them shape
And glow with justful thoughts
You sacrificed a lot
In holding us together
In well-knit and well-meant bond
I really do not know
Whether I love you

Let me mend my ways
Let me train my thoughts
Let me discipline myself
And let me realize
I really love you

Bashyam Narayanan

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