Francis Duggan - A Difference Of Opinions

2014-11-08 40

A difference of opinions just means you and i
On different subjects do not see eye to eye
And who is wrong or right is not for me to say
Since we do look at life in a different way.

On any one subject all will not agree
And what's right to you may not be right to me
If we all thought the same how boring we would be
Though 'tis said what we dislike in others in ourselves we do see.

'Tis our individuality from others that place us apart
But what does matter most is you be kind of heart
And you do not find joy in another's downfall
And you embrace the truth in a fair go for all.

We are all individuals for want of a better name
And even those with similar views not exactly the same
Despite a common ancestry and similar D N A
We all look at life in a different way.

Of similar things many of us may dream
But we all are quite different or so it does seem
Though we can be judged by the company we keep
The karma we sow is the karma we reap.

Francis Duggan

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