Dawn Slanker - Cupid Wears A Mask

2014-11-08 7

Cupid Wears A Mask

Angelic cherub
with face so devin.
Plump dimpled cheeks,
flushed roses and wine

Smooth satin locks
gold, flaxen curls.
lusterous wings
favoring mother of pearl

You float through our lives
piercing with darts
desolate sadness
percieved in our hearts.

You fill us with warmth,
with love, and with joy,
but sometimes I wonder
If we're only your toy.

It seems that's a mask
you wear o'er your face.
Are there horns under there?
Is your facade a disgrace?

For the love you bestow,
does soon fade away.
do you do this on purpose,
is this a game that you play?

In love and then out.
You stab at our hearts
you mess up our lives
with your mischevious art.

You malicious little Imp
Have you nothing better to do?
Can't you for once,
aim straight and aim true?

©2008 Dawn Slanker

Dawn Slanker


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