Dawn Slanker - Female (free form)

2014-11-08 4

My husband calls this my feminazi poem. I guess that means he doesn't like it much...hehehe. I'm really not a feminazi...I was just having a bad day when I wrote it.


Female, she male,
everything but a he male.
Unbinder of ties and apron strings.
Remover of rings and hair doodady things.
Stand up tall against the testosterone gale.

Sweep whatever from under the bridge.
Launderer of soiled, smell gagging, socks
Snip, clipper of limp, lanky, locks
Clean out your closets, but don't forget the fridge.

Your appliance days have come to an end.
Wish washer of dishes.
Back scratcher of tag itches.
You have better things to attend.

Dust all of the dirt from the end of your day.
Previous slow cooker.
Politically correct hooker
distributing all of the pay.

Female, she male,
everything but a he male.
Mother of many.
Earn your own penny.
Stand up tall against the testosterone gale

©2008 Dawn Slanker

Dawn Slanker


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