2014-11-08 16

Melvin Banggollay

Heavenly Father, glory be thy name
With humble heart, I asked upon thee
to share upon me a tender hands
with warmness of a humble man
that knows no harm but a palm
willing to care the sick with charm.

Give me a tongue that speaks no harm
As I try to serve every fellow human
and when I talk fill it with thy wisdom
that I can serve as a good gentleman.

Crown my mind with a prudent plan
That I can't think of any bad plan
for I desire to serve my fellow human
with honor and dignity of a humble man.

Give me a heart so loving and caring
That I can always show great patience
even to those who hates my being
even I have to endure long penitence.

Lord, I may not become the best servant
As I have huge clouds of weaknesses
but give me the strength of a good servant
I need to serve best as my heart professes.

For all that I have failed to do at my best
For all the sins I committed even at the least
Share me the light of your forgiveness
that I may be worthy servant and be blessed.

All these I fervently ask in JESUS NAME... AMEN.