Francis Duggan - People With True Kindness

2014-11-08 12

Tis not the money in your wallet but the kindness in your heart
That from many of your contemporaries places you apart
That makes you rather special those with true kindness rare
There surely is a lack of it in the bigger World out there
True kindness is a gift few are known to possess
And those blessed with such a rare gift are known to spread happiness
For people who are truly kind are not mean in any way
They make somebody happy with their kindness every day,
Those with true kindness in them do not lack in empathy
Their compassion for others born of true sympathy
We need more with true kindness a fair go they embrace
They make this World to live in a far more better place,
For themselves good karma they only ever sow
And people with true kindness are always nice to know.

Francis Duggan